Sunday, December 2, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
Fake Friends
John Chidester (AKA Ourbloggerman AKA John Bloggerman) believes happiness and success can breed fake friends and true enemies...Keep your circle tight. Read my letter to Fake FB People and see if you agree:
Dear Fake Friends(on FB and off FB);
First of all, you should know, I am typing this with my middle finger! Some people have asked for help and refused it..others are sooo so fake if you look closely at their tramp stamps it'll read "Made in China". Fake friends are easy to find and easy to loose but real friends are the hardest to find and hardest to lose. And for people who make up lies? I say at least they are spreading more then just their legs! But really you already got caught lying! Stop being fake and try being real for once in your life. Seriously, being real takes no effort and being a liar or phony takes everything...I know I once was. But I matured and maybe you will too. For now on I will not be participating in others BS. Fake people enjoy when others get sucked into their drama. I will ignore or cut conversations short that deal with your fake friend BS, usual complaints or rumors that they you never plan to do anything about. Fake people will hang around as long as you let them. So,.I am cutting ut back on my time with you and spend it with your real friends. Why be fake? Just be yourself and maybe people will like you just as much but more likely more then they did before. People already know you're fake, so why be fake? I don't get it. Fake people are those set of people who have different personalities and act according to situations differently. Fake people cannot be trusted because they are not genuine and straightforward. They change themselves according to circumstances. Fake people are complete hypocrites and liars who would go to any extent to make themselves seem good and upright or to reach objectives and agendas that only benefit them, Not a true friendship. Fake people can "turn on" friendships when they see that they getting benefit from it and can "turn off" friendships when they see that they are not getting benefit from it.
One must be quick enough to recognize fake people and must avoid being in their company or getting intimate with them. Fake people must be kept at arm’s length, most certainly after they are discovered. Fake people should be avoided at all costs. If you are FAKE it is not too late for you. You can change. Please change. Your circle is now fewer by one because you didnt stop being fake. If you continue to be fake I can promise you that your life will never add up to anything. You'll get what you deserve and you will be "blocked".
Sincerely, Your Former friend John Chidester AKA John Bloggerman AKA Ourbloggerman PS Please share this page and help support my blogs by purchasing or using the discounts contained within. Or just read and comment. Sometimes just showing up (posting comments giving feedback), even empty handed, is better then Fake people who show up with the offer or promise of the entire world
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Pokemon is it still "in"???
CLICK HERE >>>>>>>
Friday, March 30, 2012
Popular Game called Draw Something
You can click the image or copy the link below....thanks...